Millimetre wave technology supports healing of many conditions, chronic and acute. It combines the power of high frequency light, with wisdom of acupuncture and meridians, originally practiced in China, and now widely spread around the world.
The principle of millimeter wave therapy is to use energy resonance to stimulate the metabolism of the human body through the generated energy. After the wave radiates the acupoints, it will cause local resonance and stimulate the acupoints to produce biological effects.
Studies have shown that a millimeter wave can dilate capillaries and change blood flow velocity, thereby improving local tissue perfusion, enhancing tissue and cell nutrient metabolism, improving tissue and cell function and regeneration, thereby promoting inflammation absorption, swelling elimination, and spasm relief . Some studies have also shown that millimeter waves have unique non-biological effects and long-distance effects. They stimulate meridian qi through acupoints, regulate the patient's endocrine, activate the pain modulation system in the body, strengthen local metabolism, and accelerate the excretion of local pain-causing substances, thereby relieving pain.
We have combined testimonials in video forms for you to have a look at. There are also clinical research papers available.